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HIBARIYA JAPAN is an online store featuring traditional crafts, clothing, and food products from Japan.
We are also operating a hostel in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture, called NODA HOSTEL HIBARIYA, so please come and visit us.
For more information about the hostel, please click on the link below.
Large box of paulownia wood - 桐箱・大 -
Sizes : Depth 6.1cm x width 20cm x length 20cm = Depth 2.5inch x width 7.75inch x length 7.75inch (box) Depth 2.2cm x width 20cm x length 20cm = Depth 0.75inch x width 7.75inch x length 7.75inch (lid) Weight : 280g
Small box of paulownia wood - 桐箱・小 -
Sizes : Depth 5.5cm x width 15.5cm x length 15.5cm = Depth 2inch x width 6inch x length 6inch (box) Depth 2.5cm x width 15.5cm x length 15.5cm = Depth 1inch x width 6inch x length 6inch (lid) Weight : 195g
Japanese soup bowl - 黒汁椀, black -
Sizes : Depth 9.5cm x diameter 15.5cm = Depth 3.75inch x diameter 6inch (bowl) Depth 5cm x diameter 13.5cm = Depth 2inch x diameter 5.25inch (lid) Weight : 300g Box : Without box
Japanese soup bowl - 銀汁椀, silver -
Sizes : Depth 6.7cm x diameter 11cm = Depth 2.5inch x diameter 4.25inch (bowl) Depth 3.5cm x diameter 10cm = Depth 1.25inch x diameter 4inch (lid) Weight : 337g Box : Without box
Japanese soup bowl - 赤汁椀, dark red -
Sizes : Depth 6cm x diameter 12cm = Depth 2.25inch x diameter 4.75inch (bowl) Depth 3cm x diameter 10.5cm = Depth 1.25inch x diameter 4inch (lid) Weight : 160g Box : Without box
Japanese lunch box - 重箱, lacquered box -
Sizes : Depth 7cm x width 16.2cm x length 13.3cm = Depth 2.75inch x width 6.25inch x length 5.25inch (box) Depth 2cm x width 18cm x length 15cm = Depth 0.75inch x width 7inch x length 6inch (lid) Weight : 344g
Japanese large plate - 枝葉, branch and leaves -
Sizes : Depth 1.5cm x width 21.5cm x length 0.5cm = Depth 0.5inch x width 8.5inch x length 8.5inch Weight : 900g Box : Without box
Japanese large plate - 砂模様, sand pattern -
Sizes : Depth 2cm x width 24cm x length 18cm = Depth 0.75inch x width 9.5inch x length 7inch Weight : 652g Box : Without box
Japanese large bowl - 筆書, brush writing -
Sizes : Depth 4.5cm x diameter 24.5cm = Depth 1.75inch x diameter 9.6inch Weight : 695g Box : Without box
Japanese large bowl - 葡萄, grape -
Sizes : Depth 5cm x diameter 24.5cm = Depth 2inch x diameter 9.6inch Weight : 908g Box : Without box
Japanese large bowl - 抹茶, matcha -
Sizes : Depth 6.5cm x diameter 24cm = Depth 2.5inch x diameter 5inch Weight : 1011g Box : Without box
Japanese large bowl - 枯葉, dead leaves -
Sizes : Depth 6cm x diameter 22cm = Depth 2.25inch x diameter 8.5inch Weight : 608g Box : Without box
Japanese large bowl - 山麓, Mountain and house -
Sizes : Depth 8cm x diameter 17cm = Depth 3inch x diameter 6.5inch Weight : 613g Box : Without box
Japanese small plate - 渦巻, swirl -
Sizes : Depth 2.5cm x width 8.5cm x length 8.5cm = Depth 1inch x width 3.25inch x length 3.25inch Weight : 77g Box : Without box
Japanese plate - 鶴, crane -
Sizes : Depth 4cm x width 20cm x length 12cm = Depth 1.5inch x width 7.75inch x length 4.75inch Weight : 200g Box : Without box
Japanese men’s wooden clogs - 下駄, geta -
Sizes : Height 3.8cm x width 10cm x length 26.5cm = Height 1.5inch x width 4inch x length 10.5inch Weight : 420g Box : Without box
Japanese folding fan - 扇子, blue -
Sizes : Height 1cm x width 2.5cm x length 22cm = Height 0.4inch x width 1inch x length 8.5inch (open style) Height 1cm x width 22cm x length 40cm = Height 0.4inch x width 8.5inch x length 15.75inch (close style) Weight : 29g Box : Without box
Japanese three-tiered box - 瓢箪, gourd -
Sizes : Height 8.5cm x width 14.5cm x length 14.5cm = Height 3.4inch x width 5.75inch x length 5.75inch (box) Height 4cm x width 9.5cm x length 9.5cm = Height 1.5inch x width 3.75inch x length 3.75inch (drawer) Weight : 1262g (including drawers), 260g (each drawer)
Hanging scroll weights - 風鎮, green -
Sizes : Diameter 3.5-4.5cm = Diameter 1.25-1.75inch (ball) Length 13cm = Length 5inch (bundle of threads) Weight : 162g (each weight 82g) Box : Without box
Hanging scroll weights - 風鎮, blue -
Sizes : Diameter 4cm = Diameter 1.5inch (ball) Length 13cm = Length 5inch (bundle of threads) Weight : 200g (each weight 100g) Box : Without box
Japanese Oishi Box (L) ~Snacks and Ramen~
*Things that are always inside. Umaibo (うまい棒) × 90 sticks Instant noodles (salt ramen) × 5 packs Instant noodles (soy-sauce ramen) × 5 packs *Contents may differ from the photo. We will make the selection for you. Photo Description Kabayaki-san-Taro (蒲焼きさん太郎) × 30 sheets Sudako-san-Taro (酢ダコさん太郎) × 30 sheets Pocky × 50 sticks Jagariko (じゃがりこ) × 2 packs Kabuki-Sukeroku (歌舞伎助六) × 8 pieces Bakauke (ばかうけ) × 18 pieces Tsubu-yori-Komochi (粒より小餅) × 4 packs Nagewa (なげわ) × 1 pack Baby Star Ramen × 1 pack About 8~12people divided ※ The contents may vary slightly depending on the shipping time. ※With the weight of the box, the content is 2.8~3.0kg. ※We will do our best to accommodate requests to change the contents of sweets and crackers, as long as it is within the weight range. Enjoy Japanese snacks at home!
Japanese Oishi Box (M) ~Snacks and Ramen~
*Things that are always inside. Umaibo (うまい棒) × 30 sticks Instant noodles (salt ramen) × 5 packs *Contents may differ from the photo. We will make the selection for you. Photo Description Kabayaki-san-Taro (蒲焼きさん太郎) × 30 sheets Sudako-san-Taro (酢ダコさん太郎) × 30 sheets Pocky × 50 sticks Kabuki-Sukeroku (歌舞伎助六) × 8 pieces Bakauke (ばかうけ) × 18 pieces Tsubu-yori-Komochi (粒より小餅) × 4 packs About 5~7 people divided ※ The contents may vary slightly depending on the shipping time. ※With the weight of the box, the content is 1.8 kg to 2.0 kg. ※We will do our best to accommodate requests to change the contents of sweets and crackers, as long as it is within the weight range. Enjoy Japanese snacks at home!
Japanese Oishi "Dagashi" Box (S) 15~20 pieces
"Dagashi" is a Japanese term for sweets for children, but adults love them too! We have prepared a Japanese snack box for one or two people. The photo is an example. Confectionery contents vary depending on availability. 15-20 pieces. We will send you HIBARIYA SELECT! About 1~2people divided ※ The contents may vary slightly depending on the shipping time. ※With the weight of the box, the content is 600~800g. ※We will do our best to accommodate your request for more sweets or Japanese crackers, as long as the amount is within the range. Enjoy Japanese snacks at home!
Hanging scroll - 山水, hills and river -
Primary material : Silk&Fabric Technique : Hand painted Box : Without box Condition: Refer to all pictures (stain, wrinkle, damage) Size : Width 53cm x length 184cm = Width 21inch x length 72.5inch (hanging scroll) Waist : 59cm = 23.5inch (including roller ends) Weight : 491g Warranty included 180,000 yen at the time of purchase. ***掛軸Kakejiku(Hanguing scroll)について*** A kakejiku, which is also called a kakemono, is a scroll that is mainly hung on the wall of the tokonoma (alcove). Kakejiku are usually paintings that show the beauty of nature. Sometimes they are works of calligraphy that have been done on Japanese paper or silk. Then they are mounted on a roll of cloth. They can be rolled up and put away when they are not being used.The hanging scrolls are said to have originally been Buddhist paintings introduced from China, which were used for religious services. These Buddhist paintings became part of the tea ceremony, and the scroll painting came to be a decoration or an art object to be appreciated in the Muromachi period (A.D. 1333 – A.D. 1568). In this period, alcoves came to be built into rooms. The scroll paintings simultaneously came to be mounted beautifully so that they could decorate the alcove spaces. 掛け軸は「掛け物」とも呼ばれ、絵画や書を軸物に仕立て、主に床の間の壁に掛けるようにしたものです。和紙または絹の布に書かれた花鳥風月などの絵や書を布で裏打ちしたもので、使わないときには巻いて保管します。掛け軸の原型は、中国から伝えられた礼拝のための仏画であったと言われています。これが茶の湯と結びつき、室町時代には装飾または鑑賞するためのものになりました。この時代には、座敷に床の間が作り付けられるようになり、それに伴って掛け軸も美しく表装され、床の間に飾られるようになりました。 The hanging scrolls have great influence upon the atmosphere of the rooms where they are displayed. For this reason, people chose a painting or a work of calligraphy that they admire or that is appropriate to the season. Generally, they replace the hanging scroll with a different one when the seasons change or when they have guests. 掛け軸は、座敷の雰囲気作りに大きな影響を及ぼします。このため、季節や好みに合わせて、その都度ふさわしいものに掛け替えます。